Paper Submission

Submission of camera-ready papers:

Authors of accepted papers have to submit the CAMERA-READY VERSIONS of accepted papers before 30.04.2009. Maximum number of allowed pages per full paper: 8 pages. Camera ready version full papers should be submitted electronically using EDAS either in PDF or MS-Word format and strictly in A4 size.

Electronic versions of submitted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Therefore, before submitting your final version, make sure that your PDF is IEEE Xplore compatible. Use IEEE PDF eXpress to check - conference ID "inds09x". Non-compatible papers will not be included in IEEE Xplore.

Submit the following:

Instructions for formatting your camera-ready paper:

The IEEE has provided Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates with standard two-column IEEE conference format (note: the IEEE format has been changed recently). Please download the appropriate template to use in formatting your final paper.

Microsoft Word LaTeX (article) LaTeX (bibliography)
Word template LaTeX template LaTeX template

Using IEEE PDF eXpress for the IEEE Xplore compatibility check:

Uploading your paper's final version to EDAS
